Welcome to St. Gertrude! Our parish ministers to the diverse and evolving communities of Edgewater and Rogers Park, drawing upon the creativity, industry, generosity, and compassion of our members in the name of Jesus, teacher and Lord.
In particular, we:
- Proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Build up a community of love through hospitality and participation. Relationships are the cornerstone of our community. We strive to live up to our motto of "All are Welcome."
- Celebrate liturgies in a spirit of joy, hope, and gratitude, understanding that the Eucharist is our source and our summit as we live faith-filled lives.
- Serve others and seek to change social structures in conformity with the Good News we proclaim. We are committed to social action in the neighborhoods of the parish, the city, the Church and the wider world.
- Inspire all to grow in their relationship to Jesus Christ. Formation for all ages provides opportunities for faith-sharing and spiritual growth.
- Seek to be good stewards of our material and financial resources.
- Commit ourselves to future generations.