Our Mass schedule is Monday-Saturday at 7:30 am, at 5:00 pm on Saturday, at 8:00 am and 10:30 am on Sunday in church. The Gym Mass takes place at 10:30 am in the Gym, located at 1401 W. Granville. (The last Gym Mass of the school year is Father's Day. It will resume again in the fall. )
(Updated 6/11/24): The Rectory office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm. As of June 15, the office is now closed on Saturdays.
Information about becoming Catholic can be found here.
If you or someone you care for is sick and would like to receive Ministry of Care and Communion for the Sick, call the Rectory at 773.764.3621.
Information about Baptisms for children and baptismal preparation classes can be found here.
The bathroom is located in the back of church, off the vestibule. There is only one stall.
Previous bulletins and information about submitting content for the bulletin can be found here.
Babies and children are warmly welcome at all Masses. There is a baby changing station adjacent to our Church bathroom, but there is no dedicated area for infants and small children in Church - please sit where you are comfortable.
The front row is reserved for handicap seating. If you, or anyone you know, needs to have Communion brought to them in the pew, please use this seating. That way the Communion Ministers will know to come to you.
Per State of Illinois and City of Chicago regulations, mask wearing is now optional.
Please consider wearing your mask -- especially if you have not received your vaccination shots.
Driving and directions, how to get to St. Gertrude's via public transit and a map of the campus buildings can be found here.
Information about planning a funeral at St. Gertrude is available here. There are also resources for planning a funeral, the order of the Mass (and where family input is welcomed), a list of suggestions for songs appropriate for each part of the funeral Mass, and possible first and second readings for funerals.
Please call the Rectory office for additional information.
A handicap loading zone is available (only) on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings on Granville, alongside of the Church. There is a handicap ramp and door entrance on the south end of the Church along Granville. There are also handicap parking space on Glenwood Ave. in front of the Church.
Recently, we have identified and put signage in a pew in the front section of church. If you, or anyone you know, needs to have Communion brought to them in the pew, please use this seating. That way the Communion Ministers will know to come to you. Please let the greeter/usher know you would like to be seated in the reserved seating area when you check-in upon arriving at church.
Information about our senior outreach program, Heart to Heart, is available here. Call 872.296.2537 to speak to the Heart-to-Heart team during regular office hours, OR to leave a voicemail message when the office is closed. Voicemail is checked regularly
For more information about joining St. Gertrude Parish, please visit this page.
We live-stream our 10:30 am Mass on Sunday mornings from St. Gertrude Church using Facebook Live. Please click HERE to be connected to our parish Facebook page. After Mass, we upload the video to our YouTube channel.. The videos are also posted to our home page and Mass Info page.
If you would like a Mass Intention said for a person that needs prayers or in memory of someone who has died, please stop by the Rectory office at 1420 West Granville Avenue during office hours. We’ll help you find an available Mass and prepare a card for you to give to the person or family of the intention. A $20 donation is suggested. The Mass Book for 2025 will open on Monday, April 8.
A link to our Mass times is available here.
Breaking Bread hymnals are available in the new library carts stationed in the back and south side entrance to church. Lyrics for our live-streamed 10:30 am Mass on Sunday mornings are sent out in the weekly e-bulletin (not the print bulletin) and posted here.
Breaking Bread eMissal Available for Android and iOS Smartphones and Tablets
The USCCB-approved Breaking Bread eMissal is now available for Android and iOS smartphones and tablets. The app can be downloaded for instant access to songs, readings and the Order of Mass, as well as daily readings. The eMissal app is simple and easy to use, and it’s a wonderful resource for preparing for Mass, active participation in the liturgy, and for personal devotion.
The app is $4.99 and can be found on either the App Store or Google Play.
A map of the St. Gertrude campus, including the parking lot, is available here.
A handicap loading zone is available (only) on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings on Granville, alongside of the Church. There is a handicap ramp and door entrance on the south end of the Church along Granville. There are also handicap parking space on Glenwood Ave. in front of the Church.
If you would like prayers for someone sick or who has died, please call the Rectory at 773.764.3621, email stgertrude1420@stgertrudechicago.org, or stop by the Rectory office at 1420 West Granville Avenue during office hours. Additionally, we have a prayer wall in the back of Church, where you can write your request. Members of our Ministry of Prayer will say prayers for you.
Reconciliation is available by appointment by calling the Rectory at 773.764.3621.
Reconciliations is offered on Saturday afternoons from 4:15-4:45 pm in Church.
Communal Reconciliation is offered twice a year, during Lent and Advent. Visit our Reconciliation page in Advent and Lent for dates of communal reconciliation.
Office Hours Change (updated 1/1/24): The Rectory office is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm and Saturday from 9:00 am-2:30 pm.
Visit our Religious Ed page for details on how to register, the costs, our schedule, and the handbook.
If you require a letter from St. Gertrude parish in order to become a Godparent or a Confirmation Sponsor, this page outlines what you need to know.
More information about requesting sacramental records is available here.