Reconciliation is available by appointment by calling the Rectory at 773.764.3621.
Reconciliations is offered on Saturday afternoons from 4:15-4:45 pm in Church.
Communal Reconciliation is offered twice a year, during Lent and Advent.
Lenten Sacrament of Reconciliation Opportunities
A parish communal reconciliation has been planned for Sunday, March 17, and a deanery an Reconciliation Service for all parishes of Deanery 2B Monday of Holy Week (Monday, March 25 at 7:00 pm), at (Saint Ita) Church of Mary, Mother of God Parish.
On Sunday, December 17, at 1:00 pm in church, we will celebrate our Advent Reconciliation. Please join us for this special service of scripture, hymns, and guided reflection, offering us some “quiet in the midst of the storm” as we celebrate the forgiveness of our sins in preparation for the celebration of Christmas.
Everyone is welcome. This service usually lasts about 45 minutes.