If you were baptized, confirmed, or married at St. Gertrude, we are happy to supply a copy of your sacramental record. Requests for sacramental records from St. Gertrude must be made in writing. Please download the Request for a Sacramental Certificate form below and bring it to the Rectory or email it to stgertrude1420@stgertrudechicago.org. The only person allow to request sacramental records is the person whose record it is, unless they are underage. Then a parent may request it.
There is a suggested donation of $20.00. Checks can be made payable to St. Gertrude.
If you have any questions, please call the Rectory at 773.764.3621 or email stgertrude1420@stgertrudechicago.org.
If you are a parishioner that needs a letter of permission in order to become a godparent for a baptism or a confirmation sponsor, please visit the Letter for Sponsors page.
If you are looking for St. Ignatius parish sacramental certificates please note:
Request For Sacrament Certificate (pdf)