If a parishioner needs a letter of permission in order to become a godparent for a baptism or a confirmation sponsor, please contact the Rectory at 773.764.3621.
Requirements for baptismal sponsor:
- Your first and last name
- Child’s full name
- First and last name of the child’s parents
- Date of baptism
- Name of Church where baptism is taking place
- Address of Church
- To whom the letter should be addressed (pastor, etc.)
- Godparents must be over the age of 18, baptized and confirmed.
Requirements for confirmation sponsor:
- Your first and last name
- Your current address
- First and last name of confirmation candidate
- First and last name of the candidate’s parents
- Date of Confirmation
- Name of Church
- Address of Church
- Name of Pastor or Religious Education Director
- Confirmation sponsors must be over the age of 18, baptized and confirmed.
*If you have a form requiring the pastor’s signature, you may drop it off at the Rectory office, located at 1420 W. Granville during office hours. Someone will contact you when the form is ready to be picked up.