Please note that parishes must provide two years of preparation in order for students to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
To learn more, contact Eloy Escamilla, Pastoral Associate, Religious Education and Youth Ministry, at or call 773.764.3621.
Confirmation Candidate Info: Confirmation candidates in year one are typically in 7th grade and are in their first year of preparing for their Confirmation.
Confirmation candidates in year two are typically in 8th grade and in their second year of preparing for their Confirmation.
Are you interested in signing your child/children up for our 2023-2024 Religious Education classes? Classes begin on Sunday, September 10!
In the 2024-2025 school year, Religious Ed fees are $210 for one child and $30 each additional student from the same family. Click here to pay the Religious Ed tuition.
An additional sacramental fee of $65 is required for children making their Confirmation.
There are quite a few forms that need to be filled out by Confirmation candidates. They are located here.