The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process by which adults learn more about the Catholic Church.
Many people who begin RCIA are non-Catholics seeking to become Catholic or at least to explore whether Catholicism might be a good home. Those who complete the process and decide to become Catholic are initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday. Others who take RCIA are already Catholic but want a deeper understanding of their faith foundation.
The RCIA process does not ask those who have been baptized in another faith to give up their denominational experiences. Rather, the RCIA process seeks to add new colors and designs to their existing faith life tapestry. In addition to attending Mass, the RCIA process includes weekly gatherings of breaking open the Word of God, sharing our stories, and learning about our faith traditions.
Classes begin September 8. A RCIA calendar is below.
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about the RCIA process at St. Gertrude, contact Eloy Escamilla by calling the Rectory at 773.764.3621 or emailing him at
RCIA Calendar 2024-25 (pdf)